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Your Daily Action Plan

November 11, 2025


The goal is not simply to get more done, but also to have less to do.

Post your Social Post on your business Facebook page

Share your Business post on your personal Facebook page

Share your post on Instagram and any other social profiles you are managing

Use today's blog post idea to create your own blog article. Be sure to share the article on your social channels and email after you publish it!

You have an email due today. Create your email content and be sure to blast it out to your database.

Study today's marketing question and as always reach out if you have any of your own questions

Study today's marketing Term and try to apply the concept at least once today

Bonus Challenge

Create a Lead-optimized IDX Website

Today's Social Post

Social Post Idea:




  • Today through Friday marks the start to consistency in the week for social media. Posting windows are more forgiving - but stick to the your time slots below to maximize engagement.
  • If you miss the best time to post window on Facebook or Instagram today - don't worry! During weekdays there is still consistent engagement from 9am–5pm.
  • Reminder: Early mornings and evenings, before 7am and after 5pm have the least amount of engagement per day on Facebook.
  • Reminder: Lowest engagement times on Instagram occur during late night and early morning from 11pm–3am so stay clear of posting during that time slot.
  • Reminder: Steer clear of posting on LinkedIn every day from 9pm to 3am.

When and where to post:
- Post on Facebook today between 1pm-3pm - Post on LinkedIn today at 9am, 1pm, or 3pm - Post on Instagram today between 11am-3pm or at 7pm

Today's Blog Post Idea

Blog Post Idea:

Who pays for closing costs in a real estate transaction?

Blog Post Template Suggestion:

Opinion Post

  • Opinion posts are one of the very best blog article templates to connect with your audience about local issues. It's also a fast and easy way to create engaging content.
  • Our Opinion template makes it super easy to go through a step by step builder and create localized content for your readers. Just simply find a topic, article, or news quote related to today's post idea, then craft a quick summary of the situation and a few paragraphs giving your opinion.
  • Opinion posts have one of the best chances of going viral than otherReady Agent Go blog post templates because you are tapping in to relevant real time issues and can piggy back on that engagement.
  • Click the Create a Blog Post button to be taken to the blog post creation tool. Follow the steps and boom your done.
    Are you Ready? Let's Go!

Bonus To-do's after you create your blog:
After you're finished creating your blog post make sure you promote it! Here are a few simple suggestions:
  • Create a social post using the featured image of your blog post and the title. When you share this make sure to tag or share to people who are following the topic you are giving an opinion on.
  • Right after posting your blog post be sure to send out an email blast using the featured image of your article and a quick excerpt from your opinion. Link to your blog post to drive traffic to this published article on your website. If you don't have a website, or place to publish your content, consider getting a Ready Agent Go website and have all this done for you.
  • Over the following 1-2 weeks create at least one social post for each Opinion point in your post and share it across social media. When you share it make sure to link back to your article.

Today's Premium Content

There are no premium content pieces scheduled for today. Go check out the Action Plan Calendar to see when the next one is scheduled to be completed and use today to start prepping for it.

Today's Email Content

Email Idea:

Happy Veterans Day Email


Email Template
Email Template Suggestion:

Announcement Email

  • Announcement email templates make it super easy to blast out a quick message. This is perfect for holidays.
  • HINT: Create your social graphic for today first. After you create it, you will notice you can download a square or rectangle image, toggle the rectangle option and click download. This is a perfect size for email templates.
  • Simply go to your email marketing platform and upload your image, and add a warm message. If you don't have an email marketing platform yet - reach out to us through support or chat below we would love to help you set one up!
  • Because today is a holiday know that you have a better chance of people being home and having the day off. This means you might have a better likely hood of higher open rates today. Make it count!

Today's Learning Center

Today's Marketing Question


How should companies measure their social media marketing success?


Success is measured using the same metrics you use for any other marketing activity: traffic, leads, and customers. Counting the number of fans or followers you have can help you understand your social media reach, but the bottom line that determines its success is how many people it drives to your site, how many of them are qualified leads, and how many of them actually become customers.

Today's Marketing Term


Broad Match


In Google Adwords, a broad match keyword is one that loosely correlates with several different variations of a given term.