Post your Social Post on your business Facebook page
Share your Business post on your personal Facebook page
Share your post on Instagram and any other social profiles you are managing
Use today's blog post idea to create your own blog article. Be sure to share the article on your social channels and email after you publish it!
Study today's marketing question and as always reach out if you have any of your own questions
Study today's marketing Term and try to apply the concept at least once today
Target investors through developing useful information online for them and providing value through helpful emails
There is still a lot of debate surrounding this question – every industry and every demographic sees different content consumption patterns. But in general, fresh content should be posted no less often than twice a week. As for an upper limit, there is none – studies seem to show that posting once a day, or even several times a day, is a very effective way to drive traffic to a website. It’s just a matter of deciding how much time and effort you can devote to creating content. Google is known to give more prominence to websites that update their data on a frequent basis.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it’s what gives your entire website its style, like colors, fonts, and background images. It affects the mood and tone of a web page, making it an incredibly powerful tool. It’s also what allows websites to adapt to different screen sizes and device types.