Think of a roundup post as collection of articles, websites, or sources about a common topic. Roundup posts are a great way to add value to your audience by curating great content that is already out there online, instead of having to generate it all yourself. The key to a great roundup post however is not to simply link to other places but include your key takeaways from the content you are linking to. This way your able to make it your own. Link Here
Include a couple sentences about your collection of content to setup for your audience what they are about to dive into.
Add up to 12 resources below. Typically a good rule of thumb is between 3-12 sources. These can be websites, listings, articles, or just cited sources.
jot down your quick takeaways or key points about why you included this item and how is it value-able to your ready
Give a quick wrap up and conclusion
Add up to 12 list items below. Typically a good rule of thumb is between 3-12 list items. Think things like "Top Ten ..." or "5 Must Have..." etc.
jot down your quick notes or summary about this list item.
Think of an opinion post as a way to comment or share recent news, events, market trends, or community changes. Opinion posts are a great way to add value to your audience by first sharing an excerpt, statistic, or outside news source, and then commenting on it with your opinion. When writing your opinion a good framework is to just add "the good" "the bad" and "the verdict" about what you just shared. Link Here
Include a couple sentences about your the excerpt you are about to share
Add up to 12 paragraphs below. Think of ways to add perspective or your "opinion" on what you just shared. "The Good" "The Bad" "The Verdict" "What it means to your readers" "What it means to you", etc.
A review post is pretty straightforward. You are sharing a place, a product, or a service with your audience and telling them what your thoughts are. Link Here
Add up to 12 paragraphs below. Think of ways to add perspective or your "review". "The Good" "The Bad" "The Verdict" "What it means to your readers" "What it means to you", etc.
A free for all.
Enter the destination URL
Or link to existing content